Hyperbaric Chamber
Service Description
The AIRPOD Hyperbaric Chamber is safe and restorative therapy chamber that delivers a combination of Oxygen and Hydrogen. Delivering a 50% increase in oxygen concentration at high pressure of 1.35ATA allowing your lungs to gather 2-3 times more oxygen. Pressurised oxygen is dissolved into the blood plasma to penetrate injury sites, reduce inflammation and accelerate every healing process in the body. Research has shown that mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, otherwise known as MHBOT, increases oxygen in circulation and improves oxidative metabolism(1). Molecular Hydrogen is a powerful, scientifically proven anti-oxidant that selectively scavenges toxic Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), or ‘free radicals’ to optimise cellular health and prevent degeneration and disease. the MHBOT is regarded as a safe, effective, and non-invasive wellness therapy. Oxygen supports a wide range of cellular, biochemical, and physiological changes including: Accelerating the healing process Strengthening the immune system Fuelling energy production Promoting angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) Alleviating inflammation Boosting antioxidant defence enhancement Stimulate stem cell production fuelling the cells that make up our body’s defences against viruses.

Contact Details
93-97 South Road, Thebarton SA 5031, Australia